The Bollinger Law Firm, LLC provides legal services to businesses, schools, and individuals faced with internet, computer, information and technology legal issues.
Dedicated to Quality. We are dedicated to providing consistently forward-thinking legal services that require the use of sound judgment and integrity for the challenging matters our clients bring to us.
Client Service. Our goal is to deliver our legal services in the same manner that we would like services provided to us.
Professionalism. As businesses, education, and technology have become more complex, so too has the law. We use cutting-edge approaches in collaboration with our clients to achieve and sustain our services.
Collaboration. We believe the best results are achieved by working hard together as a team, our client and us. We value our client relationships. We value excellence. Because our clients know they can count on us, we are rewarded with exciting, often cutting-edge work.
Internet, Computer, Information & Technology Law
Welcome to the Bollinger Law Firm, LLC